Monday, November 12, 2007


i managed to pique the excitement of my wonderful video dude when i posted about vintage veils. so here's what i'm thinking about for my bridesmaids and maybe something a little more subtle for the moms (ie sans feathers) since i am anti-corsage.
from four gals at etsy:
1. boring sidney from seattle!!
2. kiss curl
3. begurple
4. samantha sultana

i don't know if i can handle some 700-odd photos of myself, so i'm going to make sure everyone else looks stunning as well. and including vintage hats and stick on mustaches as previously posted with the photo booth....which reminds me i have to really sit down and get serious about booking everything!


GF Girl said...
it would work, though I still love

GF Girl said...

grr the links didn't work...