Sunday, September 30, 2007

flowers at costco


costcoprices at first i was depressed about having a wedding in canada because i couldn't get wholesale flowers shipped overnight to my doorstep, and i had no hope of taking advantage of costco's flowers. not so! the new costco in downtown vancouver caters to addition to men's suits, they offer bridal flower packages! and not only that, but i had entertained the idea of walking out to a small shoppe on west broadway and picking out four random colorful bouquets in the $15 range, but looks like i can do it at costco, too. these are all photographs of the flowers that were in season around august 16, 2007 so it's a good indication of what would be available for the wedding. the only thing is these $15 bouquets are meant for vases, can we wrap some ribbon around them and pull off bouquets??


1 comment:

Unknown said...

of course you can wrap ribbons around the flowers (they look pretty, btw). do they need constant water? what would martha stewart say?