Saturday, December 6, 2008

the morning of...

here are the few short-lived moments i enjoyed with my d-slr the day of the wedding. i do somewhat regret not making use of it when i had it in tow and had a bit of down-time throughout the day, though it was perhaps a little more silly of me to forget about our credit-card sized point-and-click the whole day.

i made everyone's jewelry (which literally took place within 14 hours of these these photos being taken), and aimed to create chunky, opaque necklaces, which proved to be just as stunning and bold as i thought they would be. none of that dainty swarovski business for me....just look how these necklaces stand out in the photographs! i spent an exhorbitant amount of money on gemstones, despite my fifty percent wholesale discount, with the intent of using just a few stones from each strand for each necklace. however, each one of my girls, completely independent of each other, picked up one particular strand, and immediately wrapped it around their neck. while certainly not expensive, it was the only one i had, and tiara ended up getting it in the end:
special thanks to my mom's hairdresser friend who singlehandedly did the hair for five women before the clock struck one. she was originally supposed to have two assistants, but she managed to pull it off even after they bailed. while i was busy putting on makeup, she was working her fingers off getting everyone else's hair done, and even burned herself with the curling iron a few times.

also, a very special thanks to darlene, the best man's mother, who not only opened up her gorgeous house for us ladies to get ready in, but prepared a fabulous breakfast, and then went out to buy fabulous lunch foods...she even made a special trip for me to get bagels since i'm one of the rare vancouver natives that doesn't eat sushi.



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